Enduroshield Professionally Applied – Stainless Steel

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EnduroShield stainless steel coating is a non-stick protective treatment that makes cleaning and maintenance so much easier. EnduroShield is completely invisible and does not change or alter the appearance of the stainless steel or chrome. The coating provides protection from the long term effects of build-up that often forms on the surface when exposed to water, salt, grime and even acidic cleaners, reducing corrosion and tea staining. Also ideal for simply just keeping fingerprints and streaks at bay.


◊ Fingerprints & streaks are easier to clean

◊ Suitable for indoor & outdoor surfaces

◊ Dramatically slows corrosion & tea staining

◊ Once only application & no revitiliser products required

◊ Suitable for new & existing surfaces


Please contact us for a quotation on: 08 9497 3500

Warning: All West Australian customers must hold an Industrial Poisons Permit to buy pickling products containing hydrofluoric acid under the Medicines and Poisons Act 2014.