• ICS will be closed for the Christmas and New Year period from 12pm, 22 Dec - 9 Jan 2023

MA’s 2000 Tonne Shiploader and Berth Replacement (SABR) Project

ICS were tasked by Civmec to pickle and passivate all the stainless steel that was installed on a 2000 tonne ship loader that will soon be part of the Shiploader and Bert Replacement project for BHP in Queensland - one of the biggest ship loaders in the world.

The post fabrication treatment performed was to pickle and passivate the stainless steel in compliance with ASTM A380 and A967.

Upon completion of each batch ICS issued a certificate of conformity to verify the treatments. All the treatments were performed at ICS’s Forrestfield workshop ensuring The components varied greatly in size and weight ranging from many small support brackets all the way to large telechutes.

Project duration: approximately 18 months.


  • Delivered in full ahead of schedule and on budget
  • Removed surface contaminants that would otherwise have caused premature tea staining and corrosion.
  • Treated the heat affected areas that would otherwise be a point of corrosion.
  • Reformed the passive/chromium layer that gives the stainless steel its corrosion resistant properties.
  • Treatment performed was for all surfaces inside and out.


  • Increased durability and longevity which ties into sustainability.
  • Reduced tea staining and corrosion.
  • Reduced maintenance and cost of ownership.
  • Will enable the stainless steel to perform at its optimum best for longer. 

If durability longevity, low cost of ownership and maintenance are important factors pickling and passivation in compliance with ASTM A380 and A967 is critical to achieving these outcomes.